EPA RRP and OSHA Workplace Safety
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Thursday, 25 June 2015
What is EPA Lead Paint Regulations?

Before 1978, the construction of homes and buildings use products of lead-based paint on a regular basis. Once the toxic effects of lead were known, the Environmental Protection Agency U.S. (EPA) has developed regulations concerning products of lead-based paint. These standards describe the proper procedures for working with, and disposal of lead-based paint surface and interior. Regulation before renovation


EPA Lead Safety certification

Lead poisoning has its greatest impact on the development of a child's body and is associated with developmental disorders such as mental retardation and learning disabilities. As a result, regulations on lead paint put a special emphasis on protection for the premises inhabited by children. Rules prior to the renewal provide safety guidelines for contractors, workers, landlords and tenants with respect to handling materials containing lead paint. There are guidelines for contractors and workers from the appropriate procedures for renovation activities involving sanding, cutting and demolition. Previous regulations require the renewal of the distribution of lead hazard information pamphlets for landowners and tenants or occupants. For daycare or child-occupied facilities, owners and managers must provide lead hazard information pamphlets for parents. Due to the extreme effects of lead in young children, EPA regulations require contractors to provide lead hazard information pamphlets directly to parents of children six years old or younger when the renovations are done in schools or kindergartens.

Rules of admission

According to the EPA, the rules of residential lead hazards were implemented to protect families who buy or rent a house or stay in public housing. These standards identify standards for the security and identification from dangerous amounts of lead levels that exceed safety standards. EPA regulations establish the concentration levels of lead in dust, soil environments and lead particles present in the inner surfaces of the painting. Regulations residential lead hazard establish a standard reference point for federal, state and local authorities to continue to address the issues of lead paint agencies. These guidelines for home inspectors and risk assessors to advise homeowners on how to remove the existing paint with lead based surfaces also apply.

 Waste disposal

EPA regulations regarding the proper disposal of lead-based materials provide contractors and residents to the guidelines for containment and disposal practices. According to the EPA, these materials are in the category of household waste and must be disposed of according to state and county regulations. Companies and individuals should contact local removal companies for instructions on how to prepare lead-based materials for collection. Waste materials based on lead generated from remodeling projects, rehabilitation or lead abatement include window frames, doors, paint chips and painted wood.


Lead Paint Certification | RRP Training | Lead Safety Training | Dust Sampling Technician Certification | Renovator Refresher Course | Renovator Initial Certification Course



Posted by ablesafety at 7:29 PM EDT
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Thursday, 27 October 2011
EPA Lead Certification - Dust Sampling Technician Certification Training Course
Now Playing: EPA Lead Certification

EPA Lead Safety Training - Certified Renovator

EPA Lead Certification - Dust Sampling Technician training course was developed by the U.S. Environmental protection agency (EPA), along with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to teach technicians working on non-abatement lead dust clearance testing under EPA’s Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) rules and clearance assessments under HUD’s Lead Safe Housing rules.


EPA RRP lead testing and training class outlines the course goals, provides basic information regarding the jobs, and gives an introduction to the lead-dust sampling technician’s duties and responsibilities.


EPA Lead Safety Training - Certified Renovator Virginia

EPA RRP Lead Testing Certification Class Activities


HUD has different requirements than EPA for approval. Although EPA’s post-renovation clearance standard protocol is identical to HUD’s authorized protocol for worksite-only clearance, HUD has extra specifications to use this testing method. Even though the sampling specifications are necessary for Federally-funded renovation activity, these units will signify a comparatively small area of all renovation projects carried out nationwide. Since the majority of the renovation jobs which are anticipated to occur in U.S. housing won't be funded with Federal housing assistance, information on HUD sampling are given in the HUD testing appendix. Additionally, the course features a HUD distinct Activity 1 and 3. Activity 2, Dust Wipe Sampling, is identical no matter the rules.


The activities discussed above are specific to the EPA RRP and will also be useful for almost all EPA certification training classes.


EPA Lead Certification - EPA RRP Course


Articles prior to EPA Lead Training


Posted by ablesafety at 12:58 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 27 October 2011 1:00 PM EDT
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Thursday, 8 September 2011
EPA Certified Lead Renovator Certification Training CT
Now Playing: EPA Certified Lead Renovator Certification Training CT

EPA lead-based paint certification and training

Hartford, Connecticut - Any electricians, plumbers, contractor and painters, that disturbs lead paint when working on a home constructed prior to 1978, school or childcare center, now should be Lead Safe Certified. Otherwise, you can deal with tens of thousands of dollars in penalties. Additionally, it positions the health of you, the workers and clients at stake, which could lead to law suit.

See our EPA certified lead renovator certifcation training avalable in your area, we can help you obtain certificate quickly. You will get certified after this class for 5 years.

You can request an EPA Lead-Safe certification training in your area, send us a detailed message - call 888.926.4727.

EPA Lead Certified | Lead Based Paint Certification (PDF's)

Posted by ablesafety at 2:51 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 8 September 2011 2:56 PM EDT
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Saturday, 25 June 2011
EPA Certified Renovator Certification Training Class
Now Playing: EPA Certified Renovator Certification Training Class


EPA Certified Trainer

If you want to be the best in their field, you must train the best. Becoming certified by the EPA is not a difficult task, and when you lift the first-class training ground, I can assure you it is much softer. Courses covered in the environmental arena, regulations, policies and practices of environmental practices. EPA certification training in this area is largely regulated by the National Environmental Training Association (NESHTA). This group was founded in 1977, the EPA increased trainee knowledge of education 5.



See our upcoming EPA RRP training schedule.

Vocational training, continuing education, certification, networking and the adoption of the rules are the five areas of training based on NESHTA. Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) courses, wastewater, drinking water, source water protection, solid waste and pollution prevention are other issues that should be included in the courses of the environment. During the hazardous waste and materials could also be extended to those seeking environmental certification, articulated on the program in question. Apparently, a lot of education of an individual, the greater the value of certification will be. Acting EPA industry has to do with the interpretation of environmental issues.

Why do I need an EPA Certified Trainer?

That the formation of EPA certification is required or not for their line of work can improve their position within the sector. If you get the steps to obtain certification from the EPA and decently trained, you probably have a much finer race. All work of a State and, in particular, will prescribe what you need training, revolved around the constitution and bylaws of the region, state or industry. If you target a specific position, you should get decent course for the specific career. If not, the EPA certification and packaging of the environment can still be beneficial to your career.

EPA Lead Paint Safety Certification Training Course

Articles Prior to Lead Certification

Posted by ablesafety at 2:25 PM EDT
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Monday, 25 April 2011
Lead Paint Safety Class | EPA Training Course MA
Now Playing: Lead Paint Safety Class Massachusetts


Lead safe certified training firm

Massachusetts - If you are a plumber, electrician, painter, builder or any company planning renovation, repair, or painting in a house or a house built before 1978, you may be at risk in the dangerous practice of using lead. renovation activities such as custom cutting, grinding and demolition can produce dangerous lead chips and dust from the concern of lead-based paint, which can be harmful to children and adults.


ABLE Safety Consulting provide a safety class Lead RRP lead safe remodeling practices. EPA-accredited training provider offering price of class during the initial Renovator, as well as refresher courses (for those who are currently licensed to result in the reduction of director/company).

See our EPA Lead Training Course schedule in Massachusetts.

This 8 - hour course covers topics such as lead exposure for children under six years and adults from unsafe work practices, how to act on lead - probably moist and clean and prepare for the employment, students must obtain the safety certification of completion of lead for the year lead control.

Article Prior to EPA Lead Paint Training Certification Classes


Posted by ablesafety at 2:35 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 5 April 2011
EPA Lead Paint Certification, Training, Course, Class

Lead safe certified training firm

Plan to repair or renovate a facility that was built before 1978? If so, you'll need to comply with certain new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules. Launched in April 2010, all contractors who perform work that disturbs lead paint in construction must be EPA certified renovators.

EPA regulations require the certification of lead to renovate, repair and painting (RRP) work that interferes with 6 m or 20 m outside the facilities where children under 6 years are present or visit regularly.

Schools and childcare facilities also fall under this new EPA RRP regulations. In addition, the work practices followed, in particular, contractors must provide the lead hazard home brochure.

How To Obtain The Safety Certification Of Lead?

For lead safety certification, employers need to complete a training course accredited by the EPA. Some entrepreneurs are already certified to act in a lead-based paint is acquired only a refresher course.

The EPA is the recovery of the new rules in stages. The training courses that already exist and are available.

If the practice of certified remodelers by the contracting authority will require the use of test kits to find an acceptable lead-based paint is present in the work area. They will also train staff and to be on site during key phases of the RRP.

Articles prior to EPA lead



Posted by ablesafety at 12:02 PM EDT
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Friday, 1 April 2011
10 hr OSHA Training - OSHA 10 hour Construction Course

Wednesday, April 27th 2011 – Day 1 of 2
5pm to 10pm
Electrical Training Center
32 East 31st Street, 8th fl
New York, N.Y. 10016

Friday, April 29th 2011- Day 2 of 2
5pm to 10pm
Electrical Training Center
32 East 31st Street, 8th fl
New York, N.Y. 10016

Please call 888.926.4727 to register or email us at info@able-safety.com for additional OSHA 10 hour Construction training dates

10 hr OSHA Training

OSHA 10 hour safety course can be made out in place, depend upon your calendar. These courses meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and any measures that are introduced to participants at a time and cost. But more significantly, these training courses center on assisting workers and employers to prevent hazards and accidents. Many workers and employers understand OSHA standards.

This 10 hour course is mainly designed and developed for OSHA's use of the supervisors, foremen, construction workers, put differently, any person straightaway to work in the construction sector. This 10 hrs of OSHA training course is mainly for safety and health, as called for security and public health.

Related Articles:


Posted by ablesafety at 2:12 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Lead Training Courses - EPA RRP Certified Renovator
Now Playing: RRP Certified – Lead Paint Safety Certification Training

Lead safe certified training firm

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) brought in new laws affect all contractors doing renovation work in a lead-based paint surface, which led off April 22, 2010 and currently effective. Contractors and owners as they've questions about the laws that impact on the ability to work in dwellings. This article for lead training course, let's talk about the law and its functions, particularly in industry.

Contractors are asked by law to the training courses lead to the EPA certification and the right to conduct before initiating reforms in a dwelling or business was constructed prior to 1978 with young children are present. Employers who are not affected by this measure are those that will not disturb an area of ​​more than six square feet or six square meters inside and out. It should be noted that the Environmental Protection Agency has adopted clear that passing this law seriously and be contagious for criminals who work around young children in particular. If you are a fine of $ 37,500 will be charged for each day of violation!

Employers willing to obtain certification must attend a training course place is only recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency. Once done, the person must fill out the forms of law and submit it to the EPA with input.

Please Call 888.926.4727 to register or inquire about additional Lead Paint Safety Certification Training dates

Articles Prior to Lead Certification


Posted by ablesafety at 1:05 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Lead Paint Training - EPA Lead Certification

Lead Certification

Lead Safe Certified specializes in helping industry renovation, including manufacturers, contractors and multi-unit retailers. We're aware of the tech industry, advice and guidance to ensure that you and your business runs in the laws and guidelines that are specialized, but not bounded to those which refer to painting lead-based and other Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issues.

EPA lead-based paint training class

Lead Safe Certified is one of the top compliance and training manager for the reconstruction industry. We're perfectly adapted to ensure that you and your staff are aware of the rules and regulations, including the impending alterations that shake the impact of lead-based paint contractor to the owner. Lead Safe Certified offers both food and staff to teach you or your group. Our professional trainers have taught renowned private and public companies and provide class-based paint Lead EPA training 18 to 48 students.

Lead certified instructors are recognized as leaders in the renovation sector, governments honored by the EPA and the state of the United States. Our full certification is provided not only to impress, but more importantly, to provide that assurance that you're in good hands when it comes to compliance and proper safety practices renewal.

Certified Lead Safe is intimately familiar with all rules, regulations and laws relating to the industry. Therefore, we are available to discuss your current practice and offer contracts, forms and advice can save you and your company to fines or heavy fines and lawsuits, not to mention the aggravation and grief.

Related Articles:


Posted by ablesafety at 12:19 PM EST
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Monday, 28 February 2011
EPA RRP Lead Safety Certification Class
If you are an electrician, plumber, contractor, painter or any company considering making the regular price of a house or a home built before 1978, you may be in danger in the practice of risk use lead safe. renovation activities as usual cutting, grinding and demolition can produce dangerous lead chips and dust from lead-based paint disturbing that may be detrimental for children and adults.

Lead safe certified training firm

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule calls for lead safe practices highlighted April 22, 2008. federal agency rule seeks to prevent lead poisoning. Under the government of EPA, which begins April 22, 2010, contractors performing RRP projects that disturb lead-based paint in child care facilities, houses and schools built before 1978 must be certified and must follow specific work practices to avoid lead contamination.
The Kind Of Protection For Lead On Lead Safe Remodeling Practices 

Lead Safe Certified is to provide a Lead Safety Class RRP bring remodeling of safety practices. EPA-accredited training provider offering price of class during the initial Renovator, as well as refresher courses (for those who are currently licensed to result in the reduction of director / company).

This 8 - hour course covers topics such as lead exposure for children under six years and adults from unsafe work practices, how to act on lead - probably moist and clean and prepare for the employment, students must obtain the safety certification of completion of lead for the year lead control.

Please Call             888.926.4727       to register or inquire about additional training dates


Articles Prior to Lead Safety


Posted by ablesafety at 2:07 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 28 February 2011 2:10 PM EST
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